Two new pipes from the Sakurai workshop. Kenichiro Sakurai: TUXEDO CUBE Kenichiro Sakurai: AUTUMN PRINCE
Two new pipes from the Sakurai workshop. Kenichiro Sakurai: TUXEDO CUBE Kenichiro Sakurai: AUTUMN PRINCE
FREE International Shipping! FOREST BIRD: A wild creation unique found in the Nagata woodland. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/2p92phsw SANKAKU: A unique hybrid shape displaying Minoru Nagata’s brilliance as an artisan. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/mrx8dcub VOLCANO: Exquisite angel hair grain wraps around the contours of the asymmetrical pipe. LINK: https://tinyurl.com/4x6z85xz BULLDOG: An amazing piece of work from the master. LINK: […]
This is where the magic begins 🙂 Minoru Nagata: ON HOTEI ( Reverse Calabash ) Minoru Nagata: Uzumaki 渦巻き(Swirl) Minoru Nagata: Angel Heart (w/ tamper)
Fresh pipes from the Naito workshop! FREE International shipping! https://tobaccopipesjapan.com/?s=Naito&post_type=product Satoshi Naito: Blowfish Satoshi Naito: Nefertiti Satoshi Naito: NARA Dublin Satoshi Naito: KYOTO Dublin