Archive / November, 2015


2 Pipes from Kenichiro Sakurai

TOBACCOPIPESJAPAN.COM Niigata is a northwest Japanese prefecture located on the Japan Sea. A rural area that is not commonly known outside of Japan. It is a prefecture that is domestically recognized for it`s delectable rice, delicious sake and beautiful women. Another secret that the international world hardly knows is that it has a resident who […]


Pipe review : Minoru Nagata`s “Delicate”

I like the NAGATA “Delicate” pipe very much because: ○デザインが見るだけで、ハ ンドメイドだとわかる木  の風合いが好き。 ○販売数がすくない。 ○小型で持ち歩きしやすい。 等です。