
2 Pipes from Kenichiro Sakurai


Niigata is a northwest Japanese prefecture located on the Japan Sea. A rural area that is not commonly known outside of Japan. It is a prefecture that is domestically recognized for it`s delectable rice, delicious sake and beautiful women. Another secret that the international world hardly knows is that it has a resident who makes amazing pipes. His name is Kenichiro Sakurai.

Mr Sakurai takes great pride in his work and his pipes are made with precision and attention to detail. His “Smooth Cube” pipe is made from briar displaying gorgeous tiger striped grain. The design displays a fluid transition from the bowl to the stem while maintaining it`s cube shape essence.

The “Myoko” is a black sandblasted briar pipe which looks large and heavy. However, because of the delicate sandblasting technique and care that was used in it`s construction it`s as light as a feather. It`s the perfect pipe for holding in your mouth and enjoying a long smoke.

These briar gems can be found and purchased in the “Handmade Pipes” section of tobaccopipesjapan.com .